The book, in the Albanian language, entitled "Europa dhe Shqiptarët" (in English "The Europe and the Albanians") author dr. Alban Daci is divided into four chapters, which have between them both historical and symbiotic relationship. The first chapter, entitled "United Europe", is the general EU issues, such as its inevitability, the enlargement of the past, present and future. In the second chapter entitled "Europe and the Albanians," which is both the title of the book, the author tried to explain what Europe is for the Albanians? According to the author for the Albanians, the European Union means more security, more prosperity and economic stability, greater democracy and freedom, free elections, dignity deserved by the Albanians wherever they are in Europe and abroad. Also in this chapter, the author has dealt with the Albanian National Unity. He thinks that this union should be achieved through the concept of federation, but not a federation under the leadership of the Albanian state, but in the perspective of the European Union (United States of Europe). The author in this chapter has not escaped the question of emigration towards Albania 'Italy, and has chosen to deal with the Albanian emigration established in Italy because he lived such an experience during the years he studied at the University of Genoa, and argued that his choice was just pointing out that Albanian immigrants in the early 90 'have experienced first-hand experience in Europe. The third chapter is called "federal Europe". The author during the years he spent at the University of Genoa, has studied, among other things, literature and history of the federalist movements European Federalists. From these readings, but also in consideration of past events that occurred in the Balkans wars as ethnic and religious nature, Dr. Alban Daci it is convinced that the greatest evil of the European continent is the nation state and nationalism. It is the first time in Albanian literature examines the federalist ideology. The fourth and final chapter is titled "Democracy and the Albanians." According to some political scientists, does not become a democratic country in a given period of time, if in the past has lived under a totalitarian regime because the applied institutions, theories and rules of democracy. A country is democratic if it has also created a democratic culture. The Albanians had a totalitarian past and over a period of 20 years of transition are committed to creating standards and democratic institutions, but they have created a democratic culture. So the question arises: Albania is a democratic country or not? The answer lies within this chapter ...